Monday, June 21, 2010

Susquehanna River - Millersburg Ferry to Wormleysburg ( 25 miles approx)

This was an overnight paddle with full camping gear on board.  We took 6 kayaks and 1 canoe and had a great time.  We put in at Millersburg Ferry.  There is a great place to put in and have plenty of room to pack your gear and get ready for a long paddle.

The first afternoon we paddled for about 4 hours and stopped on a designated camping site on an island just  north of the Clark's Ferry Bridge.  It was brutally hot that weekend and they were calling for rain ( which it never did ) so the humidity was high.

The fish were jumping - to such an extent that they were literally jumping over the kayaks and a couple even landed temporarily on the boats.  Mosquito's and bugs were not very bad.  The river is so wide it appears to be hardly moving - until you get into the rapids - then you realize just how much water is flowing down this river.

Day two took us past Marysville and the Statue of Liberty.  We passed under the Rockville Bridge and just before the George Wade Bridge ( Interstate 81 ) we ran into our first real drop - a natural damn of about 20" - 24". We took out at the boat ramp in Wormleysburg on the west shore across from Harrisburg.

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